Blank out there for a sec
Whilst redesigning the site i came across what seem to be a common problem with the textpattern CMS The blank page returned by a search with no results. So i tried to find a fix.
With a little bit of searching around, and a quick trip to the amazing textbook website i quickly found a plug-in which claimed to fix my little blank page problem.
The plug-ins name is rss_if_search_results and is another one of the great plugins.
At first, this plug in seemed perfect for what i needed, It promised to alow me to display a useful message when no search results were returned, however, for some reason i was unable to get this to work.
After a little more experimenting i found the chh_if_data plug in and this post describing its use. The implementation of this plug in was not quite as obvious as the other plug in, so i feel the need to share the code ( love )
After installing the plug-in, go to you default page, and place the following code into the place you wish the search results or message to be displayed.
<txp:if_search> <txp:chh_if_data> <p>Here’s an article list containing your search inquiry</p> <txp:article /> <txp:else /> <p>No articles found</p> </txp:chh_if_data> </txp:if_search>
A nice touch when using the above form with the message displayed when results are found would be to edit the form named search_results to:
<p><txp:search_result_title ></p>
With this method in place, the blank screen when there is no search results is resolved.