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Topics: Autism Development

Decleration of verbal bankrumpsy

So this is verbal banckrupsy. I hope i am clear.
All words are gone, to not return untill the time is near.
This is a decleration of verbal bankrupsy.
No words left to say, but hear.
From many to few in hours,
No new way forward
So this is verbal banckrupsy. I hope i am clear.
All words are gone, to not return untill the time is near.
This is a declaration of verbal bankrupsy.
No words left to say, but hear.
Inwards outward no problems showing
only inside they fear
So this is verbal banckrupsy. I hope i am clear.
All words are gone, to not return untill the time is near.
This is a declaration of verbal bankrupsy.
No words left to say, but hear,
Hear the tones, see the shapes.
but meaning is not here.
So this is verbal banckrupsy. I hope i am clear.
All words are gone, to not return untill the time is near.
This is a declaration of verbal bankrupsy.
No words left to say, but hear,
inside the still and standard
understanding may appear.
So this is verbal banckrupsy. I hope i am clear.
All words are gone, to not return untill the time is near.
This is a declaration of verbal bankrupsy.
No words left to say, but hear,
I hope in time you come to see.
What i have been telling for a year
So this is verbal banckrupsy. I hope i am clear.
All words are gone, to not return untill the time is near.

Published: 9 January 2007 | Categories: , Permalink

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