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Topics: Autism Development

Time to get moving

At last, some good news. It looks like i will be returning to thame for a few days on Sunday. YAHOOOOO

me dances a little, then dicides he should sit down and clam down again

Earlier this morning my advocate gave me the idea of “going on holiday to school”, which basiclly means i will be marking myself as “on holiday” so i am able to go and stay with a freind in Thame I am for the first trip going to spend a week in Thame, hopfully i will be able to go into school for a few days and see freinds. I am also hoping to be able to see the people at the Chinnor Resorce Base, and find out the infomation i need.

I have been waiting for this for months, i have not seen my best freind Martin for 4 and a half months. I am really looking forward to seeing him in a few days time.

I need to thank Alun, and of course Sonja. Without you toos support this would not ba happaning. I also need to than my Advocate (you know who you are) for the wonderful idea.

Published: 18 January 2007 | Categories: , Permalink

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