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The personal site of Jamie Knight, an autistic web developer, speaker and mountain biker who is never seen far from his plush sidekick Lion. View the Archive

Topics: Autism Development

A busy few Days: some thoughs on intergration

I have had a busy couple of days, i have been developing things for this site, speaking with family (first time in several years) and have been reserching for another website and possibly a book. On top of this i have also spent a lot of time since the New Year fixing a mamber of staff computer (complete USB failure + no backup) and thinking about death.

On news years eve i am told, a freind of mine at school died suddenly from a colapsed lung. she was 16/17. I will write a post in memory of her soon.

Also i have been thinking alot about device intergration and standards, how the evolution of standards and formats can drive the sub-evolution of device interegration.

Thats is all for now, i will be be writing some more articles soon.

Published: 4 January 2007 | Categories: , Permalink

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