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The personal site of Jamie Knight, an autistic web developer, speaker and mountain biker who is never seen far from his plush sidekick Lion. View the Archive

Topics: Autism Development

Exciting iMac.

Last night i ordered myself a 27” Retina iMac complete with the fancy 4.0ghz i7 CPU, lots of RAM and large SSD. I’m extremely excited, so in thie post i am going to explain why i have brought it and why i am so excited.

Changing my mind.

This year has been really weird for computers. Barely three months ago at the start of the year i brought a little (and cheap) Mac mini to act as a sort of “cloud” of my own.

I wanted to use it as an xcode server and for managing my media etc, but i never expected to be using it often. When i got my Cinema Display back from my olf flat it amazed me by working. That was nice, it meant i had a nice screen for using with the Mac mini.

As i was using it more, i stuck an SSD in it. Felt like a sensible step. My plan was to wait till 2017 for the release of retina Cinema Displays and Macs to Drive them.

Well, that plan was poop. I changed my mind.

I love retina displays, not only because they look amazing, but because they allow me to screen zoom without getting pixelated text. This makes using a computer much easyier.

I changed my mind as i’m waiting for a product which may never come, when a product which is on sale right now will suit my needs perfectly. Plus my business would be very correct to buy it for me to support my freelance work.

I saw the iMac on the refurb store in just the configeration i wanted as my “dream computer” The price was high, but not anywhere near as high as it would have been “new” and certainly less than the cost of a Retina Displayer + new Mac mini for much much more performance.

Excited because…

I am excited for a few reasons. The biggest reason is the display. I love retina displays and i have longed for one at a desktop size for a very long time indeed. I stopped using large displays as retina trumped screen space, but with that i lost productivity. The days coding on the Cinema Display reminded me how awesome a large display was, and how terrible standard resolution now looks to me.

I’m also excited because this is the first “big thing” i have brought myself since i got ill almost 2 years ago. I have been so scared of spending money as my finances went crazy paying for care i have very careful with my spending.

However, i sold my home to pay for care, getting a small amount back to top up my business account for a new Mac isnt a bad way to spend it. Unlike a holiday etc, the iMac will hold its value extremely well and provide daily enjoyment and pleasure.

Finally, its simply nice to have nice things. My cinema display is being given to a friend on long term loan so it will still get used and make someone happy.

The Mac mini someone was extremely kind to buy for me earlier in the year when my finances were dire will have a new life too. I’m 100% decided yet, but its either being donated to the autism charity which runs the local hub, or im going to sell it and use the money to donate to a number of charities which i think do good work.

The key thing is, i changed my mind and thats okay. I am really excited about the new iMac and i cannot wait for it to arrive.

Published: 25 March 2016 | Categories: , Permalink


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