RIP John, in H1.
John Richard’s was one of the student support folk who lived in room H1 at Richard Huish College. To be honest, I don’t know what the name of his job was. I don’t know all that much about him. But I do know one thing. He changed the lives of thousands of people. He changed my life. Recently he died. This is a post to remember him with.
My interaction with John was a simple one. A few times a week I would visit him and get a meal voucher to the college canteen. For my AS levels and most of my A Levels I was basically homeless, living in a hotel room. Meal vouchers were the insurance. They were my option when I didn’t have anything else. John would always remind me to bring them back if I didn’t use them. We would chat a little. On a couple of occasions college got to much and I use to hide behind the chairs in the corner of H1. John and his colleges kept me safe. Reminded me everything was okay.
John worked at hush for years. Over that time he helped thousands of students. Often the students who had no one else, or who were so close to the line that college was as much where the ate as where they studied.
He was a top man. He is missed. Goodbye John. You champ.