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The personal site of Jamie Knight, an autistic web developer, speaker and mountain biker who is never seen far from his plush sidekick Lion. View the Archive

Topics: Autism Development

Year 2006. What Happens Next

2006 Was a very mixed year for me. In the bad we have the whole lack of somwhere to live, in the good we have the succsess of my job, and getting to the root of who i am.

As of Aprill 2006 I have not had anywhere stable to live, This has been hard. I have moved severeal time right across the contry and away from my freinds, work, and school. At the same time i started researching autism and what it actully means to be autistic. Again this was a large suprise, but i am glad i did it as i now have a far greater understanding of the why, and the who of myself.

Although i moved away from the office in Aprill, i have still done some work with pentangle. Up untill around september i was helping in the office and the office move. Thoughout this time and still now i am amazed at just how much Alun Rowe has done for me. for most people they never meet somone as nice or as caring. Thank you Alun. To this end, alun has kept me supplied with things to do, from exploring blogs, and advanced CSS, to learning the ins and outs of a Content Management System.

I am looking forward to what happens in 2007, I hope to be returning to my school and getting some more help to understand myself, and improve my social skills. I am also looking forward to continuing with my AS leveles, and then hopfully my A2s.

As an unexpected “event” at the start of this year i got back into contact with my parents through my sister. This was unexpected but defninitly noy unwelcome.

Even though there are problmes still now, i am looking forward to the rest of 2007. I am allredy enjoying the benifits of being able to be myself, and the benifits of being able to chose to have my best freind around me.

I thank everyone who made 2006 bearable. Let hope 2007 will be the year things really start going.

Published: 13 January 2007 | Categories: , Permalink

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